Thursday, September 4, 2008

Parasitic Putrescence

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Parasitic Putrescence

I rarely come across an issue surrounded in gut-wrenching negativity these days that is not connected or initiated in some manner with or by the conservative republican political agenda. Every day I’m slammed in the face with proof positive that the majority of conservative republicans are the most egregious political life forms imaginable. I’ll start with the travesty that is the Bush administration, once again.

How can it be possible that this country can sit by and actually accept the disgraceful proposition that we cut funding and services to the poor, to students, and to the elderly, all in the name of deficit reduction to the tune of 40 billion dollars? This proposal should infuriate everyone with one iota of social conscience, when in fact; the proposed tax present to the wealthy will all but negate any real deficit reduction. But the rancid icing on this flagrant policy disgrace is the financial cost to American tax payers of half a TRILLION dollars for the Bush-Cheney slaughter for profit and power enterprise in Iraq. Yes, I said half a Trillion dollars, and we are no where near the end of that tab. The conservative republican led atrocity is lining its pockets with the bloody billions it is steeling form this country. All at the same time it pats itself on the back for perpetrating a most visible publicity stunt camouflaged as deficit reduction. Please tell me how, in all the world, can you actually tell yourself that these people have anything in their interest that is not wrapped around their own self preservation and quest of money and power.

Half a trillion dollars, bankrolled by US taxpayers, so conservative republicans can prop up the US corporate empire’s conquest for world globalization and dominance. A Nazi style march to assimilate the world markets without regard to any other nation’s people, beliefs, desires, or customs. Domination in the name of the bottom line is the “Holy Grail” for this crusade.

I believe in capitalism and free trade. I believe in the right to comforts that money buys. I believe that people have a right to build wealth through legal and legitimate methods. I draw the line at the filthy tactics of lying, cheating, plundering, manipulating, abusing, and terrorizing to achieve this goal. If you have any propensity to defend this administration in any way, I’ll give you an exercise; sit quietly for five minutes, and after taking ten deep breaths, ask yourself how one of the most powerful nations in the world can spend half a trillion dollars in Iraq when in Asian, African and Latin American countries, every year 15 million children die of hunger.

PLEASE re-read the last part of the last sentence until it actually registers in your brain. “every year 15 million children die of hunger.” Now, take another 10 deep breaths and imagine your child, or a child from your family or a friends family, and imagine them lying in your arms, and then imagine that child taking a last breath and dieing in your arms due to starvation. Then defend the disgrace of the so called “war on terror” and its half a trillion dollar price tag, while that imagined scenario of that child dieing in your arms, repeats itself 15 million times between this holiday season and next. There is no defense to the atrocity that this administration has unleashed on the world, so if after doing the above experiment, you come out ready with a defense, I can only ask you to start again and repeat it until your soul, or spirit, or whatever makes us compassionate human beings, allows you to see truth. Because the truth is, there is no defense. None.

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