Thursday, October 13, 2005
The following is a segment from Neale Donald Walsch's Blog:
Another definition of God 10/08/2005
...A huge part of that process is our renewed exploration of this whole idea of God, and of our thoughts about What God Wants. If in fact the words "God" and "life" are describing the same thing...well, we have some major, major theological implications here.
Do we need more evidence of the existence of life than life itself? No. And what does life want? Nothing. Life simply is.
Life is an energy, a power, to be used. And it is being used, freely, by all. It has no expectations, no desires, no demands, no requirements, no need to be worshipped and no need to punish those who fail to worship it. Life is a singular and unemotional reality. Life is the creator, and it's that which has been created.
Mr. Walsch is the Author of the “Conversations with God” series, the most recent of which is "What God Wants" and should be required reading for all humanity. I've been on a quest, well actually a couple of them, and it seems they interconnect. One of my quests is to transcend my current mode of sexuality from what I've labeled "two minutes from porn to orgasm." This mode of sexuality has been my mode, for various reasons, all of my life. This quest intersected and joined my quest for a renewed spirituality. What has been a very powerful struggle is now morphing into a very enjoyable journey. That is not to say it is without frustration. I have looked to other people for physical comfort; sexual desires not the least of that comfort. So realizing that “feelings” are a universal human quest, and the ability to feel all the feelings I desire is not only within me, but the responsibility is mine to create these feelings for myself. I will put that in more succinct language; I’m responsible for my own feelings. So with that realization, each time I have a desire, and start down my old path of looking to someone else such as my wife to fulfill that desire, I must stop and look inward. This is frustrating, as it is much easier to hop in bed for a quickie to appease that desire. My mind is well versed in thought patterns that assign designation to other people the job of meeting my needs and desires. The only problem is that a quickie will only appease that desire for a limited amount of time. And using sex to fulfill inner needs leaves me feeling needier than when I started. A marathon sexual experience can leave me exhausted, and I have associated the feeling of exhaustion with the feeling of satisfaction. That assignment was constructed many years ago, and I’m learning that all I ever achieved was exhaustion. It is now time to re-associate and teach myself how to satisfy my inner needs. It is the only path there is to share that satisfaction with another person.
As it takes a village to raise a child, so it does to raise one’s wounded or missing spirituality. With help from my “village” I was led to The Soul of Sex, a fantastic book written by Thomas Moore. The combination of The Soul of Sex and What God Wants was amazingly enlightening. As incredible and straight forward this type of thinking is, It now accentuates a hundred fold how misguided, and utterly dangerous the preachers of current religious theology are. They preach separation, hate, suffering, revenge, war, exploitation, inequality, among many other humanity damaging theories. And surprising as it may seem, the most damaging theory that the world’s theological preachers pass on is SEPERATION! They teach that God is separate from people and life. It is much easier to kill in the name of someone else that you believe is telling you to do so. It would be much harder to kill in your own name. For if it was taught that God wants NOTHING from you, and in fact; EVERYONE IS GOD, than what reason would there be to kill in the name of God? There would be none! It is time for a new Spirituality. And while I hope there are many movements out there that support this idea, the one organization I’ve come across in my very new journey is Neale Donald Walsch and CWG:
"God is Life"
1 Comment - Show Original Post
Paul said...
hey man, i was just browsin users and i saw yours, i dig your music very very much, and your political/religious veiws,
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